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Recent Issues

/poll command issue resolved

The command on the dashboard should work accordingly now.

/poll command not working correctly on webdashboard

Options are not shown in the embed. I'm looking for a fix.

Resolved issues regarding /birthday command.

It should be working as expected now.

The /birthday command is experiencing some issues

The command doesn't seem to fully work. I'm looking for a fix right now.

Recent Updates

Testing purposes

This message was sent using the new **web dashboard!**

Limit added to the /remind command

Now it can only accept a maximum of 24 hours or 60 minutes.

The /birthday command has been added

Now, even Sentinel can wish you happy birthday! Set your birthday and you will receive a birthday message once the time is there.

You can now set reminders for every two weeks

After a long time, a new update. You are now able to set reminders that will be sent every two weeks.

Settings page in the portal has been updated

The welcome, leave, and invite tracker messages fields were rather tiny. I've made them into text fields so it will be easier to read and type on the portal.

The /qotd command is here

A simplified command for adding a question of the day. Rate limited to be used twice every ten minutes. You may ask why, but the channel topic can only be edited twice every ten minutes so I've matched the same pattern to keep it functional.

Make management tasks easier.